Silhouette (Visual Identification)

Category Self-Loading Pistols & Revolvers
Operating system short recoil, self-loading
Length 194 mm
Feeding detachable, double-column box magazine

The Heckler & Koch Universal Self-loading Pistol (USP) entered into production in 1993. It had a high sales success rate which contributed to its ongoing production and the development of several variants. It is in service within several law enforcement agencies and armed forces, e.g. in Germany, Greece, Spain and the US.Variants of the HK USP 9 mm model: - the USP Compact which is shorter (173 mm length) - the HK USP Tactical variant which is longer (218 mm length) and uses .45 ACP.

Global distribution map

Weapon prevalence origin Country of origin licensed Licensed production unauthorized Production without a license
Scale dependend aggregation of production sites

The HK USP is found in 7 countries

This map is a reflection of data on global distribution and production provided primarily by the BwVC. It is not exhaustive. If you would like to add to or amend the data, please click here.

Global distribution list

The data on global distribution and production is provided primarily by the BwVC, but also from national and regional focal points on SALW control; data published by think tanks, international organizations and experts; and/or data provided by individual researchers on SALW. It is not exhaustive. If you would like to add to or amend the data, please click here.

Origin Country of origin
Production Licensed production
Non-Licensed Production Production without a licence
G Government: Sources indicate that this type of weapon is held by Governmental agencies.
N Non-Government: Sources indicate that this type of weapon is held by non-Governmental armed groups.
U Unspecified: Sources indicate that this type of weapon is found in the country, but do not specify whether it is held by Governmental agencies or non-Governmental armed groups.

It is entirely possible to have a combination of tags beside each country. For example, if country X is tagged with a G and a U, it means that at least one source of data identifies Governmental agencies as holders of weapon type Y, and at least one other source confirms the presence of the weapon in country X without specifying who holds it.

Australia (AUS)
Denmark (DNK)
Germany (DEU)
Greece (GRC)
Norway (NOR)
Portugal (PRT)
Spain (ESP)

Visual Identification (Silhouette)

HK USP (5)